Customs Law and International Public Law.
The law firm offers consultation and legal representation before the Italian Administrative Jurisdiction (TAR and Consiglio di Stato) and before the Special Tributary Commissions to companies, professionals, associations, government agencies, and to the public sector in general, in Italy and abroad.
In this specific sector, the law firm works with the office of Danilo Desiderio.
In this specific sector, the law firm works with the office of Danilo Desiderio.
Banking Law, I.R.S. Contracts, and Derivatives.
In the banking law sector, and in particular, for the judicial and extra-judicial controversies, which are related to interest rate swaps contracts, derivatives and for the services of labor consultancy to individuals and to companies, the law firm collaborates with the professional support of the tax consultants law firm lead by Mr. Antonio Picardi.
Bankruptcy law
In the specific sector of Bankruptcy law and for all the related judicial procedures according to Italian Bankruptcy law, the law firm operates with the dott.ssa Alina Marzano experienced tax consultant and bankruptcy delegate.